Price list
Individual appointments
Psühhiaatri vastuvõtt kuni 60 min -
Repeated appointment with a psychiatrist up to 30 minutes
80 euros
Psühhiaatri erakorraline vastuvõtt 60 min -
Psychiatrist's appointment (weapons permit certificate/health certificate) 30 min
130 euros
Laste- ja noorukite psühhiaatri vastuvõtt -
250 eurot
Appointment with a psychologist
80 euros
ATH diagnostilise küsimustiku kokkuvõte -
50 eurot
ATH küsimustiku täitmine ja kokkuvõte psühholoogiga 90min -
195 eurot
Kliinilise psühholoogi vastuvõtt 60 min -
110 eurot
Appointment with a peer counsellor 60 minutes
80 euros
Appointment with a music therapist 60 minutes
80 euros
Suhte- ja paariteraapia -
125 eurot
Supervisioon -
244 eurot
Coaching -
244 eurot
Services by a physician and nurse
150 euros
Transcranial brain stimulation with direct current
25 euros per session
Prescription extension for the client of the centre
15 euros
Konsultatsioon E-maili või telefoni teel keskuse kliendile -
35 eurot
Outpatient treatment of withdrawal condition
130-190 euros
Primary session of vibroacoustic therapy 60 minutes
70 euros
Repeated session of vibroacoustic therapy 30 minutes
45 euros
Yumeiho therapy 60 minutes
55 euros
Treatment programs
“A balanced life” -
1320 eurot
Individual program “Sober life” -
640 euros
Group therapy “Sober life” -
480 euros
Online program “A balanced life” -
1320 eurot
"Relapse Prevention Program" -
450 euros
12 Steps Support Group -
Mental health
NLP-based stress reduction program -
500 euros
Psühhiaatri vastuvõtt rTMS -
165 eurot
rTMS esmane - tehniline ettevalmistus (lisandub protseduur) -
65 eurot
Protseduur -
30- 60 eurot