Toompuiestee 30, Tallinn 10149
+372 5323 3371

Specialists / Gerli-Birgit Plooman

Gerli-Birgit Plooman


gerli birgit plooman

About me

My clients are teenagers and adults who seek help for various emotional problems and worries as well as appreciate diverse, dedicated and science-based approaches when facing them. As determination, consistency and support are important features when tackling various problems, I am always here for the client and can offer different approaches and tools when dealing with them. I am determined that every problem has a solution and this is what I am here for - to help them solve with You.

Peale gümnaasiumi lõppu otsustasin oma haridusteed jätkata Inglismaal. Tänaseks olen omandanud University of Westminster-is bakalaureusekraadi ning Goldsmiths University of Londonis magistrikraadi, mõlemad kognitiivse ja kliinilise neuroteaduse erialal. Bakalaureusetöö raames uurisin prosopagnoosia ja afantaasia vahelist seost ning koosesinemist.

On top of that, during my postgraduate degree I researched intentionality and hostility biases in borderline personality disorder in a general population.

In other words, prosopagnosia is the inability to recognise faces and aphantasia is the inability to perceive mental imagery.

Thus, I am now back in Estonia and ready to apply knowledge to practice.

I have completed a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course, which can be effectively applied to depression, anxiety, stress and negative thought patterns, in order to improve the quality of life and effectively face challenges. As neuroscience and psychology are my passion, I often attend seminars and courses as well as read scientific literature and research papers to gain further knowledge in the field.

Languages: Estonian, English

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