Professional or cross-sectoral supervision is a systemic counselling process that focuses on the interaction between a person, their work duties and the employer. Supervision is led by a trained supervisor.
The service is provided by:
Objectives of supervision
- finding solutions to difficult situations, including in client work, in a team or organisation
- maintaining the employee’s mental health, including prevention of burnout
- creating, developing and maintaining a healthy working culture
- shaping professional identity
- supporting lifelong learning
As a result of supervision
- clarity is created and solutions are found
- work skills are used more professionally
- quality of work is improved
- capacity for work is restored, joy of work is increased
Supervision is primarily aimed at managers and specialists who work with people, including police officers, social workers, activity supervisors, caregivers and support personnel, teachers, physicians, nurses, psychologists and psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counsellors, coaches, etc.
A professional supervisor
- has completed training in accordance with international (ANSE) and national (ESCÜ) standards and is guided by the ethical guidelines of the ESCÜ.
- is a representative of a free profession, which ensures the necessary neutrality
- is competent to manage the supervision process to support the client in achieving their chosen goal
Source: https://supervisioon.ee