Toompuiestee 30, Tallinn 10149
+372 5323 3371

Consultation by email or phone

Extending the prescription without changing the treatment regimen

A prerequisite is a preliminary visit to a psychiatrist at the Toompark Mental Health Centre. We only extend prescriptions that are included to the treatment regimen at our center.

E-mail consultation (treatment related questions) including repeat prescription and changes in treatment plan.

Retsepti pikendamine kui vajalik raviskeemi lihtsam muudatus (nt annuse tõstmine või langetamine). Sellisel juhul toimub suhtlus e-maili teel. Eelduseks on eelnev psühhiaatri vastuvõtt Toompargi Vaimse Tervise Keskuses. Teenusele tuleb broneerida aeg läbi online süsteemi.

Service is provided by dr Margus Lõokene.