Relapse Prevention Program
The relapse prevention program is aimed at people who have previously participated in a treatment program or have undergone addiction treatment either independently or in another treatment facility.
More about the program
Relapse is considered a negative thing in many rehab clinics. Most people who go through rehab leave the treatment program hoping to never use alcohol or drugs again. However, statistics show that over 50 percent of those who have completed a treatment program will use their habitual narcotic or some other narcotic again within a year. Many feel great shame and guilt in doing so. They believe they have failed – that they are “bad people”.
Giving up drugs and/or alcohol the first time is difficult enough, but the second time is even harder. If there are many relapses, the person may feel that they are not getting help.
This program teaches a person how to prevent relapse. They will also learn how to turn a setback – one-time or repeated - into a way out of the situation, that is, an experience from which to learn.