Clinical psychologist appointment
Kliinine Clinical psychologist conducts assessments for mental and behavioural problems as well as aids with various psychological problems. Furthermore, the sessions include assessments, treatment and prevention of health-threatening behaviours exhibited by patients.b igapäevatöös erinevate psühholoogiliste probleemide, psüühika- ja käitumishäirete ning tervist ohustava käitumise hindamise, ravimise ja ennetamisega.
The service is provided by:
You can seek help from a clinical psychologist for various mental health problems - from initial evaluations to recommendations for further treatment. Moreover, clinical psychologist can help specify which further analyses are required to confidently reach a diagnosis. You can seek a consultation if you experience:
- anxiety
- depression
- substance abuse
- personality disorder
- burnout
- mental health crisis
- or any other mental health related problems
The first appointment with a clinical psychologist includes problem mapping and, if necessary, creating an intervention plan.