Transcranial direct current brain stimulation
Transcranial direct current stimulation of the brain (TDCS) refers to neuromodulation methods of treatment, the therapeutic effect of which is to affect the ability of brain nerve cells to interact with each other using extracellular stimulation.
With this method, certain areas of the brain are stimulated by a weak electric current. This is a safe method of treatment without serious side effects, which also has the advantage of a relatively quick effect. Transcranial stimulation is mainly used in the treatment of depressive disorders.
The treatment is carried out in a course, as a rule, it is necessary to carry out 10-15 medical procedures, sometimes more. One procedure takes a total of ~45 minutes, of which the treatment itself lasts 30 minutes, ~ 15 minutes is required for preparation and completion. The patient is awake during the procedure and can perform any actions (talking, reading, cognitive exercises, etc).
- On doctor’s referral