About me
I rely on a client-centered approach and individual's own resources in my work. I have completed a bachelor's and master's degree programme in clinical psychology at the University of Tartu. Besides I have taken an introductory course in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and furthered my knowledge through various trainings and internships both in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe. I consider regular self-improvement through professional trainings, supervision, and literature as an essential part of my work. Previously, I have worked as a psychologist at Tartu Education Support Services Center, volunteered as a youth counselor in SOS Children's Village online chat, and currently alongside my client work, I am also involved with the work of Mental Health Department in Ministry of Social Affairs. In my practice, I mostly work with young people from age 16 and adults, but I have previously also worked with toddlers. I will support my clients with topics such as depression, anxiety, relationships and sexuality, burnout and personal development. I am convinced that seeking help is a strength and no concern is too small.
Enda vastuvõtule ootan peamiselt noori 16-eluaastast ning täiskasvanuid, kuid olen mitu aastat töötanud ka väikelastega. Tegelen teemadega nagu depressioon, ärevus, lähisuhted ja seksuaalsus, läbipõlemine, eneseareng. Enda murega ei pea jääma üksi, mistõttu oled minu vastuvõtule väga oodatud.
Languages: Estonian, English