Toompuiestee 30, Tallinn 10149
+372 5323 3371

Mental health problems can affect anyone at any age. Our goal is to guide and support you in making your life worth living.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which a person realises their abilities, copes with the stress of everyday life, works effectively and is able to contribute to society. Short-term deviations and difficulties are common. In general, a person is able to cope with these problems independently. However, more enduring mental health problems and/or severe coping difficulties often require help of a specialist.

Your well-being is our priority

The specialists of the Toompark Mental Health Centre help people who need to diagnose their mental state, we are also here to provide instructions and help for coping with mental health problems.

We also consider it important to help and support people who want to know themselves better and to prevent mental health problems. Adequate physical activity, a diet that supports mental health and different relaxation techniques are some of the important factors. And most importantly - all of them are achievable, safe and do not cause unpleasant side effects.

More about the services

Our specialists

Our goal is to guide and support you in making your life worth living.

Kaja Heinsalu
Company manager, nurse, development coach, trainer
Kaia Laurik
Music Therapist
Oksaana Kozlova-Zurheide
Addiction psychotherapist
Alisa AalbokPrivate: Alisa Aalbok
Peer counsellor, trainer
kadi jaanisooKadi Jaanisoo-Kuld
Creative therapist
janika piltJanika Naaber
Laste- ja noortepsühhiaater
siivi piltSiivi Hansen
Psühhoterapeut, superviisor ja coach

A supporting and safe environment

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