A balanced life
Our addiction treatment programs are tailored to your needs. Before going through individual and group therapy, we also offer the opportunity to resolve the physical symptoms of withdrawal.
In the addiction treatment program, we rely on the 12 step model and guiding principles. We will focus on the person’s motivation to change unhealthy thought patterns and addiction behavior, while drawing on elements of spirituality in the healing and recovery process.
What does the program include and why join it?
The prerequisite for joining the program is an assessment of addiction disorder, based on which a person's health picture is mapped and an individual treatment plan is developed in cooperation with a counsellor and a psychiatrist. The treatment plan includes a weekly schedule for three months. The support of medication is used only when necessary. The program is successful if the agreed treatment plan is followed. Above all, the client must voluntarily decide to follow the treatment plan.
Treatment is carried out in individual and group therapy. At the heart of it is learning to lead an honest and open lifestyle to help the person to understand the consequences of their substance use, most importantly the effects of drinking and/or drug use on their life, health, family and relationships.
By participating in our treatment program, the addict's need to use alcohol or drugs will disappear or decrease. Understanding addiction, learning new coping skills and implementing them day by day increases motivation to live a sober life.
The life of an addict is full of secrets. Unlocking these secrets and being honest in the group is the key to recovery and a sober life. Shame and the barrier to speaking up disappear when one realizes that the members of the group have experienced the same thing as them.
Our counsellors know from personal experience what life as an addict has been like and what a recovering addict needs to achieve and maintain a sober lifestyle. Their experience as an addict, being in recovery, and their education is the strength of this program. In addition to personal recovery experience, our counselors are trained in social and health care.
Duration: 3+9 months
Language: Estonian and Russian
Price from 1330 euros
Additional information: Book an individual appointment to join the program