Psychologist appointment (ADHD)
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An appointment with a psychologist is an important step if you feel like ADHD significantly influences your daily life. Psychologists are specialised to support people with mental health related questions and help patients with ADHD understand how it can affect their behaviour and emotional wellbeing.
During the appointment, the psychologist conducts assessments and interviews where the main focus is on ADHD symptoms and their effect on daily life. Additionally, psychologist offers emotional support and helps with developing practical skills in order to tackle concentration problems and restlessness.
During the treatment, the psychologist works with you in order to find a personalised approach which helps you improve your concentration, manage impulsivity and develop strategies to relieve ADHD symptoms. Together we form a comprehensive plan which supports your mental wellbeing and helps you form healthy behavioural habits.
Psychological support is tailored to your specific needs and aims to assist you on your journey toward a better quality of life.