Toompuiestee 30, Tallinn 10149
+372 5323 3371

Information session with suspicion of ADHD diagnosis

The aim of this information session is to give a better overview of what ADHD is and how it can manifest through various symptoms. Additionally, the challenges that ADHD could pose in education, work and personal relationships is discussed.
seotud väljakutsetest tööl, õppimisel ja isiklikes suhetes.

After that, the ADHD diagnostic process is introduced in depth, explaining how specialists assess the presence of symptoms. Lastly, we provide information regarding the available support from experience counsellors, psychologists and support groups, in order to facilitate successful navigation through life full of challenges.
erinevate tugiteenuste kohta, nagu kogemusnõustajad, psühholoogid ja tugigrupid, mis on saadaval inimeste toetamiseks, aidates neil edukalt toime tulla ja juhtida
väljakutserohket igapäevaelu peale diagnoosi saamist.

The information session is for everyone who suspects that they have ADHD and would like to gain further information regarding the possible symptoms, diagnostic process and available support, should you receive the diagnosis.
ning informatsiooni edasise toetuse kohta.

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